
the language of parts





what is kawaba?

Kawaba is a minimalist constructed language designed to reduce thoughts and communication to its most fundamental parts, emphasising simplicity, neutrality, and fundamentality. Kawaba focuses on expressing ideas clearly and intentionally using a minimal vocabulary of only 120 single-syllable root words.

Kawaba encourages speakers to see the world in a new way by breaking down complex concepts into their most essential pieces. Despite its small vocabulary, Kawaba is a flexible and creative language, relying on context and the combination of roots to convey a wide range of meanings.

how kawaba works

The 120 root words of Kawaba can be divided into three catagories: 50 semantic primes, 50 semantic molecules, and 20 grammatical roots.

a language of parts

The roots of Kawaba each have a broad and flexible range of meanings, encompassing a variety of related ideas. These can be combined to form compounds words that are as broad or specific as needed to fit the sentence. This modular approach lets you shape the language to fit your needs.

In Kawaba, roots aren't static — they grow and evolve as they're combined, shaped by their context and intent. This dynamic interplay of parts invites speakers to think creatively and embrace the fluidity of meaning. By breaking complex ideas into their simplest components, Kawaba unlocks a whole world of expression with just a few roots.

start learning

Kawaba is easy to learn but offers a lifetime of exploration. Whether you're curious about minimalist languages, looking to change the way you see the world, or seeking a new way to communicate with others, Kawaba has something to offer.

Are you ready to think and speak in the language of parts? Come learn Kawaba and join the community!


